Tuesday, December 22, 2009

In transit

The delayed train means invisible scenic route due to that pesky type of nighttime that comes with being in the middle of who-the-hell-knows-where.

Traveling at night requires much more self-entertainment focus. For example: Your book choice cannot just be that one you’ve been meaning to flip through, you know, the I-hope-this-is-impressive one you bought while out with your friend the philosophy student. It must be one you’ve been plotting your attack on for weeks. Nothing slows time like disinterest.

I can only mark our trip’s progress based on a few smatterings of light – mostly orange-hued street lamps and Christmas displays shining from yards and roofs and windows. I notice something: There is a varying gap in holiday light displays that can instantly speak to the income of the family behind them. The biggest homes, inset high on hills or protected by gated communities seem to hold a chic standard for Christmas lights: white only, with the occasional use of yellow or blue when appropriate. But my favorites, they twinkle out of the small yards that mark their boundaries with chain links. I am always thankful to the family who can somehow evoke the Vegas strip in a nativity scene, with recycled reindeer replacing lowing cattle.

And when reading or counting light displays in lieu sheep gets old, take advantage of your surroundings (i.e. eavesdrop). I'm always amused and amazed by the lack of shame people have in public. Truthfully, it delights me. So did she:

The voice from behind belonged to an ex-prostitute traveling home from the South. She spent her trip on the phone with a voiceless man who had, obviously, crossed the wrong lady. (Please note: There was nothing left to do but write down the highlights.)

- I need to know what I can do to keep your cock from running wild.

- I was a hot mess when I came to Atlanta. I was looking to get fucked - might as well get paid.

- That's the difference between a nasty trick and a trick. A trick would put a rubber on you. I would know. And she fucked you without a condom? Nasty trick.

- She a trick. She a trick. She a trick. Even worse, she a dumb trick. She ain't even getting no money.

- I should call you when I get home. I'm on a train full of people and I've been loud and cussing and carrying on.

- And her ribs be good as hell.

- You know when you, me, and Boo-Boo, when we went?

- I might piss you off. I ain't gonna never hurt you.

I love the holidays.

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