Monday, July 20, 2009

A dream called "Thursday"

I wake up startled in an old farm house, the interior made of beautiful deep-red cedar. Groggy, I walk into the small living room to find four of my friends drunk and dancing around in celebration. One was riding a child's tricycle and one had a noise maker - the kind you only use on New Year's. It's early and as I try to ask what they're doing, I only get laughter. As I look out of the window, I notice the snow storm. It's a blizzard by any standard - at least three feet of snow. 

My friends announce that they're walking to the store for something. I try to stop them but they walk out anyway. They return, I scold them for leaving in dangerous weather, and then they decide they forgot something and need to leave again. This happens a few times. Each time they return, they're drunker. 

Confused, I walk into the kitchen to find a friend's parents making breakfast. I notice another friend at the kitchen table, eating toast and reading the newspaper. (In reality, she lives with her boyfriend.) I ask where he is and she looks up at me, puzzled, and says, "Who?" Just then, a middle-aged man I've never seen before walks into the room, says "Good morning" and kisses her on the cheek. I stare at him, trying to make sense of what's happening, and turn back to my friend, who has morphed into someone else entirely. 

Reeling, I look out into the back yard only to see that it's springtime. The sky is that eerie shade of yellow that is only used for forthcoming spring storms and a loud wind rips through the field. Tornado's coming. In the back of the yard, I notice a person under the lone tree. I run out of the door to warn them about the storm. I'm suddenly barefoot and the wind makes it hard to move. As I get closer, I recognize the boy as another friend. He's sitting cross-legged, reading a book under the tree. I try to yell to him, but the wind is louder than the sound of my voice. I finally get close to him and when I can't get his attention, I snatch the book from his lap. His head snaps up instantly and that's when I see his eyes -  all black in the center. I gasp and look down at the book in my hand. It's blank. 

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