When the moon was full we danced naked, basking in the light that, surprisingly, made us climb trees and jump from one to the other. Then out of the blue sky, came a bat black as night water. It screeched as it soared, singing, "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts." Damn. It was scary. Out of the woods came the bat's best friend, werewolf man. The bat took Liz away, Leah rode the werewolf following, so Sarah, Sarah P., Jill and Allie called their unicorns to follow. Afterwards we all took to the skies, swooping in and out of a dirigible.
The six authors of this awkwardly wonderful piece of fiction would like to acknowledge the following people, factors and inanimate objects: PBR, Onyx the cat, new haircuts, porch weather and Polaroids.